
In order to prove VIBe’s efficacy and to get feedback on how VIBe could be improved, IPAT submitted VIBe to the Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge, which you can learn more about on our Where We’ve Been page.

By competing, not only would IPAT conduct valuable research and development for VIBe, but they would also be presenting VIBe to a panel of industry leaders from several fields who would give them suggestions as to how VIBe could be developed into a product that can make a real difference in the lives of autistic children.


To complete the first stage of the challenge, IPAT needed to create a succinct definition of what VIBe is, how it is innovative, and why it is important. After months of brainstorming, IPAT submitted a brief abstract detailing the concept of VIBe to the Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge.

Business Plan and Technical Concept Report

Once accepted into the semifinals, IPAT’s next challenge was to create a practical business model as well as conducting more in-depth research regarding VIBe’s technical aspects to ultimately develop a technical concept report.

Business Plan

After detailing what we thought would be a practical business model, hours of constant refining of the plan were spent with corporate executives and other business specialists to ensure a sound and sustainable business model for VIBe’s future. The finished document details exactly how IPAT plans to spread its resources during its initial years as a nascent company. We have also described a theoretical ramp-up model that would bring IPAT to a fully fledged business.


Technical Concept Report

IPAT also needed to detail the aspects of VIBe that deemed it innovative and beneficial to its users. The Technical Concept Report outlines a Need Statement and the features that VIBe encompasses to address the issues that it aims to solve.


Graphical Representation

Working with a professor from Jiaotong University in Shanghai, China, IPAT was able to create a 3D computer model of VIBe which was used to make a functioning prototype.

Grants from the Government and Yuantai Investment Partners

To further prove VIBe’s practicality, IPAT contacted the local government and an investing company to discuss their ideas. Both organizations concluded that IPAT’s business plan and technical concept report were viable enough to invest in.


Chenxu Elementary school is one of the only schools in Shanghai that is attempting to mainstream autistic children.This small elementary school has 3 autistic children that are facing difficulties in the classroom. IPAT visited this school to better understand some of the issues that were faced by these children.When IPAT completed the first VIBe prototype, they field tested the wristband with two children at this school. No quantitative results were taken nor were any conclusions made, but the initial reactions/usage by the children seemed to show that the vibrations did not have any negative implications and did seem to make them calmer.


Learn more about our studies on localized vibrations
ISEF Study →